State Of The Art
One-two, one-two…
Let’s take care of some housekeeping and assorted odds and ends pertaining to recent goings on and then we’ll get back to regular programming.
Thanks to everyone who has supported Super Dope to this point. It feels great. It’s a huge boost. I’ve been seeing your messages and whatnot. It’s awesome. Spread the word! As I said before, I really want anyone who might appreciate my brand of shenanigans to hear it. If you know anyone who was deeply into 80s or early 90s hip hop or anyone who digs sample-based production, tell them to check it out.
The other day I was pondering some of the weird challenges I have in my “career” at this point and the idea popped into my head that maybe I could overcome some of them if I were to release an album under a pseudonym. I might try that at some point - just quietly release a stealth album and try to infiltrate some forbidden fortresses.
A few weeks ago, I set up a poll asking about interest in a live Twitch session or something of the sort. 90% said, “do it!”. Shout out to the 10% who said ‘hard pass’. What I realized almost immediately after throwing the idea out there is that I don’t have any of the equipment I’d need to do that. But I’d still like to do it and it seems like most of y’all are into it so I’ll try to figure it out. Maybe some friends can help me get set up. I’ll keep you posted.
I also set up a poll asking about posting Super Dope on streaming services. Makes all the sense in the world for me to do it. It’s done. You can find it on all of those platforms now. I updated my Spotify profile with new photos, a new bio, etc. Go stream the shit out of Super Dope and then buy yourself a copy or download when you have a few extra bucks.
You know, listening to some of the popular hip hop albums of the moment got me thinking: 50/50 Where It Counts by the Sebutones was way ahead of its time. I really, really wish I could re-release it now. Sixtoo is resistant to having his work take digital form and it’s pretty much impossible to put the album on vinyl because it’s so damn long. Kind of a shame. If I can come up with a solution, I’ll let you know. I think at least some of it is on YouTube.
Speaking of Sixtoo… I did a good thing a few days ago. I used a chunk of Super Dope money to buy a microphone off him. A real nice one. It’s an upgrade I’ve been needing to make. So hopefully that’s a good step toward the next album sounding better. Look at me investing in myself!
I listened to The Last Dig for the first time in a while a few days ago. Fresh ears. I think that album is really good. Some of the best beats I ever made are on that one. If you haven’t heard it yet, check it out on Bandcamp. I’ll try to get that up on streaming soon too.
As I mentioned before, I retired from baseball after the great season I had last year. Decided to go out on a high note. But I am playing softball this summer. A couple of cool-ass Cuban dudes live a few doors down from me. I joined their team. We played our first game a few nights ago. We won in a blow-out. I hit a BOMB! Anyway, I listened to Super Dope in the car on the drive to the park. Cranked it up nice and loud. It sounds so damn good. Deeskee killed it with the mastering. I’m really proud of the album, y’all. I hope you love it.
One last thing - If you happen to be in Toronto next Sunday, you can catch me and my friend Dave playing records at The Little Jerry (418 College Street) starting at 9PM. We’re playing all 45s. I’ll be rocking heavy rare stuff. Lots of breaks. Dave is a serious, serious digger too. It’ll be heat all night. Hope to see you there. Little friggin’ Jerry, yo.
A few weeks ago, I had lunch with an old friend. We reminisced about an infamous day in Halifax hip hop history - back in the 90s. She reminded me that she took photos that day. I asked her to send them to me. They’re awesome. I’m thinking I’ll tell the story and share the photos in the next post.
Until then.