What is it?

I am Buck 65. I guess you’d say I’m an underground rapper. I’ve been doing my thing since 1989. The plan is to use this space to talk about/reflect upon my catalogue and steps taken between albums. I’ll probably air out a few other ideas here and there.

The Future

Long term, I’m thinking that if we can get this thing up to a certain number of subscribers (let’s shoot for 1000), I may try out setting up a paid subscription thing. Then, behind the wall, I’m thinking it would be fun to use this space to build a new album from scratch, idea by idea, week by week. I’d invite y’all in to watch the process happen from beginning to end - kinda like what Kanye has been doing in recent times… but different. We’ll cross that bridge if we ever get there. No expectations.

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Insights into the Buck 65 catalogue


Hip hop artist from the days of yore. Here to review the catalogue and the road between records.